Culinary Arts
Our students love Meng Lee and learning how to cook while having fun!
Learn to fly like a pro and capture important and creative drone video
Students will learn basic techniques of composition and camera functions.
Game Dev't
Students will learn how to code and design games and have fun in the process!
Students will learn how to use an editing program to create their own videos
Basic Engineering and Building
Students will learn robotics from experts & best robot making kit
Students will learn to work with digital photos, image, video, audio etc.
Curated lesson plans that are centrally accessible to you entire team.
Facilitate connections between Staff and Admins to share resources
Website for Schools. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste
Drawing Classes
Learn to draw, sketch or paint. Improve your art & drawing skills.
Fitness Class
Students are able to play a variety of sports after school.
Discovering Your Greatness
Discover what you're great at.
Soccer Club
Come learn about teamwork, leadership and discipline.
Cutting, gluing and glittering, check out the crafts.
Book Club
Students read and talk about their favorite books.
Homework Help
Students get help with homework from tutors and peers
Yoga Club
Meditating, strengthening the mind, and yoga
Math Club
Learning new math skills and getting ahead
Bowling Club
Students read and talk about their favorite books.
Homework Help
Students get help with homework from tutors and peers
Yoga Club
Meditating, strengthening the mind, and yoga
Math Club
Learning new math skills and getting ahead